focus of the ellipsoid ритуал


A Ritual is a powerful multi-block structure added by the Blood Magic mod. The effects of Rituals are varied and powerful, from a simple water source to creating an area of creative mode flight.

There are two types of rituals: weak and standard.

Weak Ritual [ edit ]

A weak ritual is simple but can be useful. Each is created by placing a specific block on top of an Imperfect Ritual Stone, then activated by Right-clicking the Stone. Each costs 5,000 Life Essence.

Block Effect
18px Grid Water %28Minecraft%29 Water Source Creates a thunderstorm
18px Grid Block of Coal Block of Coal Summons a strong zombie
18px Grid Lapis Lazuli Block Lapis Lazuli Block Makes it night time
18px Grid Bedrock Bedrock Grants Fire Resistance II for 1 minute

Standard Ritual [ edit ]

A standard ritual is built out of multiple Ritual Stones and one Master Ritual Stone. It is activated using a Weak Activation Crystal or an Awakened Activation Crystal. All rituals have a large LP cost to activate and most have an ongoing LP cost. Rituals can be deactivated by applying a Redstone signal to the Master Ritual Stone.

The Ritual Diviner can be used to quickly build rituals.


Focus of the Ellipsoid

Focus of the Ellipsoid
Name Focus of the Ellipsoid
Ritual Stones 36
Activation Crystal Weak Activation Crystal
Activation Cost 25,000 LP
Running Cost 20*radius LP/s
Effect Provide building guide

Focus of the Ellipsoid is a Blood Magic Ritual which creates a building guide out of supplied blocks.

Recipe [ edit ]

Building a Focus of the Ellipsoid requires 36 Ritual Stones: 8 Earth, 8 Water, 8 Fire, 8 Air, and 4 Dusk. Activating one requires a Weak Activation Crystal and 25,000 LP.

Usage [ edit ]

Focus of the Ellipsoid is a building. Once activated, Focus creates an ellipsoid out of supplied blocks which can be inserted into the bottom of the Master Ritual Stone.

The dimensions of the ellipsoid guide are controlled by placing item stacks into the inventory above the Master Ritual Stone. The number of items in slot 1 determines the x radius, slot 2 the y radius and slot 3 the z radius.

To fuel the ellipsoid, you must put resources in a chest below the ritual. Because you cannot open it after placing the master rune, Hungry Chests from Thaumcraft are recommended since you can open them after placing the master stone.

The running cost of the ritual is proportional to the average of the radii (rounded up).


Список запрещённых предметов



Гл.Модератор Advent-MagicRPG-TechnoMagic-RPG

В данной теме собраны основные запрещённые предметы серверов MagicRPG, список неполный, будет дополняться, можете в этом поучаствовать, написав запрещённый предмет.
ID могут не совпадать на обоих серверах, текущие айди соответствуют первому серверу, в скором времени будет доработано.
* — данный предмет не запрещён, но его невозможно скрафтить;
** — данное исследование в таумономиконе не работает и/или может иметь неприятные последствия;
предмет отключен — предмет возможно скрафтить, но он не выполняет свой функционал.
Согласно правилам 3.8 и 4.1.1 наличие запрещённых вещей ведёт за собой изъятие и/или бан, чтобы избежать последнего, сообщите об имеющемся у вас предмете модерации сервера.
3.8. Запрещено использование читов, багов, дюпов, вредоносного ПО.
Наказание: вечный бан на всех серверах.
4.1.1. Запрещено хранение и распространение ресурсов, которые получены способами, описанными в пункте 3.8.
Наказание: бан на усмотрение администрации и изъятие.

Энергорельсы (ID 27)
Рельсы с датчиком (ID 28)
Активирующие рельсы (ID 29)
Выбрасыватель (ID 158)
Вагонетка (ID 328)
Грузовая вагонетка (ID 342)
Самоходная вагонетка (ID 343)*
Вагонетка с динамитом (ID 407)*
Вагонетка с загрузочной воронкой (ID 408)*

Набалдашник: Укрепление (ID 4133, предмет отключен)
Ходячий Сундук (ID 4175)
Гномы (мобы) на серверах отсутствуют

Automagy (Автомагия):
Жадный Сундук (ID 736)
Набалдашник: Создание (ID 4421)
Укреплённые Банки**

Gadomancy (Анимагия):
Врата Пустотных Странников**
Магический выбрасыватель (ID 1693)*
Лапа Наполнения (ID 1694, предмет отключен)

Tainted Magic (Магия Порчи):
Набалдашник: Метеорология (Wand Focus: Meteorology, ID 5632)
Набалдашник: Время (Wand Focus: Time, ID 5633)
Первородное Лезвие (ID 5645)

Thaumic Tinkerer (Таум-инженерия):
Трансвектор (ID 956)
Левитатор (ID 959)
Динамическая Дощечка (ID 964)
Набалдашник: Перемещение (ID 5794)
Том Записи Исследований (ID 5825)
Кольцо Чёрной Дыры (ID 5828)
Терраформинговое Стекло (ID 5837)*

Better Questing:
Станция Подачи Объектов (OSS) (ID 1877)

Rannuncarpus (предмет отключен)
Манапризма (ID 456)
Жезл Терраформер (ID 4244)
Агрегатор Жизни (ID 4292)
Осколок Острова Лапута (ID 4302)
Рука Края (ID 4308)
Сборочный Ореол (ID 4323)
Вагонетка с Бассейном Маны (ID 4342)*
Талисман Чёрной Дыры (ID 4353)
Манафактурный Ореол (ID 4371)

Автоматическая Стамеска (ID 1151)
Подарок (ID 1276)
Шарик Мха (ID 4902)
Алмазная Стамеска (ID 4904)
Обсидиановая Стамеска (ID 4905)
Облако в Бутылке (ID 4906)
Сокрушительный Камень (ID 4907)

Iron Chests:
DirtChest 9000! (ID 1703:7)

Tinkers’ Construct:
Бомба Из Слизи (ID 985)
Ранец (ID 4701)
Пояс Путешественника (ID 4711)

The Twilight Forest:
Анти Верстак (ID 1093)
Гигантский Булыжник (ID 1121)
Гигантский Обсидиан (ID 1124)
Block And Chain (ID 4897)

Настой замещения (ID 5691:125, предмет отключен)
Potion Longevity (бафф)
Inferno (бафф)

Blood Magic:
Телепозер (ID 912)
Связанная Кирка (ID 4525)
Связанный Топор (ID 4526)
Связанная Лопата (ID 4527)
Кристалл Отвязывания (ID 4534)
Сложный Кристалл Заклинаний (ID 4579)*
Сигил Подавления (ID 4580)*

Blood Arsenal:
Вливатель Жизненной Силы (ID 1074, предмет не работает)

Запрещённые ритуалы:
Ballad of Alchemy
Birth of the Bastion
Blood Of The New Moon Ritual
Call of the Zephyr
Convocation of the Damned
Cry of the Eternal Soul
Focus of the Ellipsoid
Ritual of the Crusher
Veil of Evil


Orchestra of the Phantom Hands

Orchestra of the Phantom Hands
Name Orchestra of the Phantom Hands
Ritual Stones 24
Activation Crystal Weak Activation Crystal
Activation Cost 10,000 LP
Effect Transferring items from one object (mechanism or chest) to another.

Orchestra of the Phantom Hands is a Blood Magic Ritual which transferring items from one object (mechanism or chest) to another. For example, you can do automatic processing of ore.


Recipe [ edit ]

The Orchestra of the Phantom Hands ritual requires 2-8 chests and 24 Ritual Stones to build: 8 fire, 4 earth and 8 water. It takes 10,000 LP and an Weak Activation Crystal to activate.

120px Orchestra of the Phantom Hands1

Usage [ edit ]

Before activated the Orchestra of the Phantom Hands, you need to complete several steps:

Routing focuses [ edit ]

Routing focuses when pressed with a right click on an object (mechanism or chest) retain its coordinates and side. Focuses are divided into two types: input and output. Input focuses indicate the object from which items will be taken, and output ones will indicate the object in which items will be placed. In order for the ritual to work for each item being moved, there must be indicate an input and output focuses.

Input focuses need to be put in the chests near the master ritual stone, and output focuses need to be put in the corner chests. In the chest its need to be arranged in the form of a certain pattern. First one or more focuses and then one or more items. This pattern will mean that these focuses will transfer only these items. This pattern can be continued by putting next focuses and items in the chest.

120px Orchestra of the Phantom Hands2

For many mechanisms, it is important to point the right side. For example, if you pick up a product from the furnance, then for the input focus you need to click on this furnance from the bottom side.



Grid Teleposer

Type Block Stackable Yes (64) Blast Resistance 15.0 Hardness 2.0 Solid Yes Transparent No Affected by Gravity No Emits Light No Flammable No Required Tool

The Teleposer is a Blood Magic tool for moving blocks and entities. Teleposers are used in pairs, linked together with Teleposition Focuses. When activated a Teleposer will consume LP and swap the blocks above it with the ones above the Teleposer it is linked to.

The Teleposer has a single inventory slot for a Teleposition Focus.

To use a Teleposer, create two of them and at least one focus. Right clicking a teleposer with a Teleposition Focus will bind the focus to the Teleposer. Place the second Teleposer somewhere else and put the focus inside it. Opening the second Teleposer’s inventory while holding the focus it will rebind the focus to the second Teleposer.

Attach a Lever to the Teleposer with the focus and activate it to swap the blocks above it with those above the other Teleposer.

The quality of the focus determines the number of blocks teleposed. A 1x1x1 area will consume 2,000 LP per teleport.

Focus Size
Teleposition Focus 1x1x1
Enhanced Teleposition Focus 3x3x3
Reinforced Teleposition Focus 5x5x5
Demonic Teleposition Focus 7x7x7

Teleposers can transport a wide variety of blocks and entities, including players, mobs, blocks and even some tile entities. They can even move things that normally can’t be moved, such as end portals. Teleposers can transport entities to different dimensions only if both sides are already loaded.


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